with Papaia subscription based AI generated content.
Personalized Images
Sensational Creativity
Zero Effort
Pics and Videos
The concept
Get monthly personalized AI-generated images and videos that capture your unique style. Stand out on Instagram and TikTok with creative, engaging content.
Save time and effort in creating the most exciting pictures and videos for your profile with an AI model that is custom trained on your existing images.
Join us.
Receive images every month straight in your inbox
Starter Plan
✓ 15 Images / Month
✓ 5 Custom Images
Standard Plan
✓ 25 Images / Month
✓ 10 Custom Images
✓ 5 Image to Video
Professional Plan
✓ 40 Images / Month
✓ 20 Custom Images
✓ 10 Image to Video
✓ Brand Placements
What our customers say
All the images I receive are of impeccable quality!
I receive every month something special, so much fun!
"Great Value"
When I subscribed, I didn't know if it would be worth it, but it's been a game-changer for my social media!
"Top quality"
All the images are beautiful, you can tell they are made by experts!
The quality is really good!
Our mission
Our mission is to help social media influencers live their best life by taking the pain out of creating content.
If we can help you to save time and money, while providing your fans with an exceptional experience, then we feel we've done our job right. :)
Any questions?
Once you have subscribed, you will receive your first set of images within 5 days. This is the amount of time it takes our team to train our AI models on your brand identity. After that, you will receive new images on the 1st of each month.
Yes, you can unsubscribe at any time.
Our payment system is managed by, one of the world's leading online subscription service providers. Rest assured that your payment is totally secure.
If you are unsatisfied with the images you receive, just contact us and we'll work with you to understand what type of images you prefer. In case you're still not satisfied with our service within the first 30 days, we'll refund you your subscription.